

I plan on having a movie night with Britt.
Lots of cuddles and hand-holding, with hot chocolate and my kitten blanket.
I'm really looking forwards to this; I just want some quality time with Britt.
I've been glowing all day since he said he liked my idea. ♥

Movie List
  • The Box
  • American History X
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Apocalypto
  • I can't remember the other one :(
I also had a nice chat with my friend Adam today!
We haven't talked since a day or two before I moved to Atlanta,
so it's been around ten months!! Wow!
He's planning on coming to visit this summer. We're going to hang out all day,
and then he, Britt, and I, are going to eat some shrooms and have a wonderful night!
I'm just so excited for that, and for later on today.
I hope Britt and I have a good night as I planned...
I'm sure we will, and if not, then I'll just have to try again.
I wonder if I will fall asleep in his arms while we snuggle. It's a nice, comforting thought.
I imagine whispering to him, as I drift off,
"I want to grow old with you...
no, wait; I will grow old with you."
Hopefully that will make him happy, because I'm trying to make my future
instead of just letting it be - and I want it to include him.