
Introduction to Far Too Frail♥

Hello! I am Khry (KREE) Munro.
I made this blog to keep progress of my journey to happiness.
I realize how ridiculous and stupid that sounds,
but I suffer from depression, mentally and physically.
It's painful, but I am slowly learning how to cope with it and to get over it.
I want this for me, and my boyfriend, Britt, wants this for me.
So I'm doing it for us.
I want nothing more than for us to be happy together.
That can't happen if I allow my depression to get in the way.
I will be trying my hardest to achieve this goal, and all of my other goals,
hopes, wishes, fantasies, and dreams.
Please bear with me, this is going to be difficult, and I need support,
be it from people I know personally, or friends on the internet.
I am going to be a better person.
Watch me.