
Things That Made Me Happy 12-13-10

  • Receiving Katie's bracelet in the mail.
  • Thinking about cuddling with Britt and drinking hot chocolate.
  • Finishing this layout.
  • Thinking about getting to see Britt when he finished working.
Wow, that isn't much. And Britt didn't come over after working because he got sick. Well, that's what he gets for sleeping nearly naked with his window open all night. I thought it was weird that his body was so hot, when he was just in his boxers under a thin blanket and his room is 40 degrees. I should have known it was because he was feverish - he should have known, too.
Still, even though he was sick, he should have come over, he said he would. Seeing him makes me smile. I would have been a tiny bit happier had he come over, or at least texted me that he was feeling sick and couldn't come over. He at least owed me that. I'm still pissed that I had to text him and ask if he was done working. That's unfair.